Neem Healty Drink
Neem Healthy Drink
Neem leaves (Azadirachta indica) have benefits in the world of medicine, the content of Nimbin is an active substance that acts as an anti-microorganism that is useful for controlling germs that cause itching. In addition, neem can be effective as antibacterial, antiviral, antidiuretic, antifungal, anti-sedative, allergy, and can reduce acne, caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.
Komposisi : Azadirachta indica
Manfaat : Rebus 1 sendok makan dengan 1 liter air sampai mendidih menggunakan api kecil, diamkan selama 10 menit. Saring. Minuman siap untuk disajikan.
(Boil 1 table spoon with 1 liter of water, let it simmer for 10 minutes, filter and ready to be served. Drink regularly 2 times daily.)
P-IRT NO: 2105103130478-28